Pier and Wall Caps

Nantucket Pavers Caps

Finish your CT Fieldstone or Meadow wall with Nantucket Pavers Pier and Wall Caps!

Fieldstone Pier and Wall Caps have a natural stone-like texture and appearance that give it its rustic/bluestone look. Fieldstone Pier and Wall Caps are a perfect finish for our CT Fieldstone Wall or Meadow Wall products. These caps serve as a decorative topper to any wall or edger. If you were to use them to cap an edger just use a masonry saw blade to cut down the center lengthwise. They have many uses.

Nantucket Pavers Caps

Product Details

 The options are endless!  Available in Blue.  Additional colors are special order.

Fieldstone Wall Caps could also be used as stepping stones, installed as part of an Old-Fashioned English walkway or a topper to a uniquely finished garden bench.  Building an outdoor bar and grill area, use them as a foot rest.

Specifications for Pier Cap:  24″ L x 24″ W x 1.75″ H

Specifications for Wall Cap:  24″ L x 12″ W x 1.75″ H

  • Use adhesive or mortar to adhere to the wall
  • Beautiful textured finish
  • Finished on all edges
  • Natural stone-like appearance
  • Use a masonry saw blade to make any cuts
  • Use as stepping stones or a unique walkway
  • Easy to handle

Another alternative to a wall or Pier cap are our Rivenstone patio blocks!!  Rivenstone Patio blocks have straight edges so they just slide flush right up against one another.

High Quality natural stone products at a fraction of the cost!